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Privacy Policy
Effective date: 01.05.2024
Data controller
Milia srls
Via Giuseppe Parini 16/A
Lecce 73010
Types of Data collected
Cookies and tracking tools ;
Phone numbers;
IP addresses;
Email addresses;
Browser and device information;
Unique identifiers…]
Treatment methods
The processing of your personal data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means, according to the methods and with the tools suitable to guarantee its security and confidentiality in compliance with the GDPR.
The information acquired and the methods of processing will be relevant and not excessive in relation to the type of services rendered. Your data will also be managed and protected in secure IT environments appropriate to the circumstances.
No "special data" is processed through the Site. Special data are those that may reveal racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature, health status and sexual life.
No judicial data is processed through the Site.
Place of treatment
The Data Controller is based within the European Union. Therefore, the processing of your data is safe from a regulatory point of view as it is regulated by the GDPR. If the transfer of your personal data takes place in a non-EU country and for which the European Commission has expressed an opinion of adequacy, the transfer is in any case considered safe from a regulatory point of view. This article 4.1 indicates from time to time the countries to which your personal data may be transferred and where the European Commission has expressed an opinion of adequacy.
The user is therefore invited to regularly access this article to check whether the transfer of his personal data takes place in a country with these characteristics.
Retention period
Your personal data will be stored only for the time necessary to guarantee the correct provision of the services offered through the Site.
For marketing purposes, personal data will be retained until consent is revoked. For inactive users, personal data will be deleted one year after the last email viewed is sent.
Purpose of the Processing of Collected Data (including third party services)
What is the service: Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. Google uses the data collected to track and examine the use of this website, to prepare reports on its activities and to share them with other Google services .
Purpose: Analysis
Personal data processed by the service: Cookies, Usage data
Place of processing: United States; Ireland
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